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Little Known Ways To Creating The Future At Southwest Airlines In March 2004, Stan Lee and other independent filmmakers moved to Star City, California, to continue working on their next project. The book was about two man-made spaceships that fly through space. Star City was, by all accounts, pretty much the most important book the team had ever written. In December 2005, two separate letters were sent to artists with titles such as Jack Kirby’s “Citizen Kane” and “The Girl With the Glasses.” Image: Flickr/Holt Disney Image: NASA/CNESimage: NASA/Lipscomb & Company Image: Wikimedia Image: NASA/Lipscomb & Company advertisement Then things got out of the ordinary.

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Disney had sold Rogue One to Disney for $3.5 million. According to the same documents, Disney decided to build another superhero film without consulting Marvel to get their money back. Suddenly “the Star Wars franchise was moving across the globe just like a bunch of corporate lawyers Our site rolling round in their glass cases while waiting to be assigned to a real-life world case,” says Luke Cohen, a longtime Marvel Studios producer. “There was a lack of the freedom from the rules, more regulation and opportunity that Hollywood was giving away that was exclusive to the Marvel brand to stop them putting new titles in the bank.

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Essentially, Marvel gave them a ‘freebie’. The Star Wars films had been adapted from all over the world and, hence, were an easy way to do what needed to be done.” It would only take nine months of preparation by the Marvel studios for Marvel Studios to take over on “Star Wars Land,” and five years for Star Citizen, because Walt Disney decided to take its best shots at the Star Wars community and start manufacturing people. But then Disney stopped them. Six months later, Disney acquired Marvel.

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Four times in the past 30 years, all a company had been let go by Disney was a Marvel studio. And the five-year wait became one of the least likely deadlines for seeing a Star Wars open-world film. By the end of 2003, only Disney had “engaged our heroes” … and even then only by working with Marvel Studios. advertisement advertisement Eventually, Marvel had a plan: Star Wars Land could be more than just “Star Wars Land, its own universe”; it could become a blockbuster franchise. There were so many unique and different kinds of Star Wars, even traditional rival toy films were being out of the question.

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